Police must prove impaired driving beyond a reasonable doubt. Evidence of alcohol and driving may not constitute Impaired Driving. The Burden of proof rests on the Crown. Read More >
Criminal Defence Wins
Impaired Driving
Impaired Driving
A legal motion complaining that the case had taken too long come to trial was filed by Toronto Criminal Lawyer Nicholas Charitsis. The Judge agreed that the accused’s rights under Canadian Law had been violated Read More >
Impaired Driving – Care and Control while Impaired
A Crown appeal, Judge had a reasonable doubt as to whether the accused had care or control of the vehicle, vehicle was stuck in the snow bank, not running. Read More >
Impaired Driving – Care and Control while Impaired
The police did not witness the driving. There was no direct evidence to prove the accused was the actual driver, judge concluded fact that someone was left with the vehicle is not conclusive evidence that they were the driver. Read More >
Impaired Driving – Care and Control while Impaired
Accused found sitting in his truck, the vehicle was not drivable. Judge ruled police had not proven the case beyond a reasonable doubt Read More >
Care and Control while Impaired – Drive Over 80 mgs
Accused charged after being found intoxicated sitting in his vehicle. Cellphone records showed no intent to drive. Read More >
Drive over 80mgs – Care and Control
The police found the accused sitting in the drivers seat of his car. The accused gave evidence that he had no intention to drive. Judge rules that there is a reasonable doubt. Read More >
Drive over 80mgs – Care and Control
The judge ruled that there was reasonable doubt a case of impaired driving and drive over 80mgs, that the crown attorney had failed to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt and the charges were both dismissed. Read More >
Refuse Breath Test
Accused attempted but unable to provide a proper breath sample. Crown did not prove the case, beyond a reasonable doubt. Read More >
Refuse Breath Test
There was no evidence that the Approve Screening Device was properly calibrated, the accused provided samples but did not register, police charged accused with Refusing a Breath Test Read More >
Refuse Breath Test
Judge ruled that there was no outright refusal, an explanation was given by the accused, there was a reasonable excuse presented by defence lawyer Nicholas Charitsis. Read More >
Refuse Breath Test
The Judge ruled there was reasonable doubt whether the accused intended on refusing the breathalyzer by not blowing hard enough to complete the breath test. Accused charged with Refusing Breath Test Read More >
Refuse Breath Test
The Judge ruled that the accused had made reasonable attempts to provide a sample of breath but was unable to provide a suitable sample into the breathalyzer. Charges dismissed. Read More >
Dangerous Driving
Prosecution must prove that the driver’s actions were more than a mistake in driving, that the dangerous driving is more than driver error, or an accident. Read More >
Dangerous Driving
Accused arrested for manslaughter, involving the death of a youth. Bail hearing successfully represented by Nicholas Charitsis, accused released on Bail. Read More >
Experienced Criminal Defence
You’re not guilty unless a judge says you are, not the police or the crown attorney.
It’s your right as a Canadian citizen to be properly defended in court and to have the evidence of your accuser challenged by a criminal lawyer.
As a criminal defence lawyer I have years of experience helping people accused of criminal charges and I can help you.
Together with my network of legal professionals we have been able to help thousands of people looking to do everything possible to win and be properly represented in criminal court.
Knowing the court system, the crown attorney’s, police and judges and having them know you can have dramatic implications. Experience does count in criminal defence. We know how to fight for our clients and present compelling and aggressive defence arguments.
We stake our reputation on doing everything possible to win your case, ensuring the best possible defence with the reviews and winnings to prove it.
Call 416-731-7113 to discuss your criminal defence today.